
Narrative Alchemy: Crafting Your 300-word REF Contextual Statement

Research for Creative Practice

In the field of creative practice research, where the quest for recognition and understanding often leads through dense thickets of confusion, there lies a unique challenge for creative practice researchers. It’s about articulating the essence and impact of their work within the confines of a 300-word REF contextual statement. This task, akin to distilling a vast landscape into a single, vivid photograph, is both daunting and critical. It’s here, at this confluence of creativity and conciseness, that my recent research endeavours have been focused, and I’m happy to share some insights from this journey with you.

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) serves as a cornerstone in the UK’s academic landscape, assessing the quality and impact of research across higher education institutions. For creative practitioners, the REF contextual statement is a vital piece of this puzzle, offering a platform to showcase the significance, methodology, and outcomes of their work. But how does one encapsulate years of creative exploration and impact in just 300 words?

Drawing on a thematic analysis of successful REF 2021 submissions, my research has sought to unravel this question. The process began with a deep dive into the REF’s vast repository, extracting and examining contextual statements across various creative disciplines. This exploration revealed a tapestry of approaches, from interdisciplinary ventures melding visual arts and digital technology to projects deeply rooted in social and cultural commentary.

What emerged from this analysis was not just a pattern of themes but a structural formula—a blueprint for crafting statements that resonate with clarity and depth. This formula, distilled from the narratives of successful submissions, highlights the importance of weaving together methodology, impact, and engagement with the audience in a coherent and compelling narrative.

The challenge, of course, lies in the brevity required. Each word must be chosen with care, each sentence sculpted to contribute to a cohesive whole. It’s akin to creating a miniature artwork, where every brushstroke carries weight and intention.

In preparing for an upcoming workshop, “Narrative Alchemy: Crafting Your 300-word REF Contextual Statements,” I’ve been reflecting on how this formula can serve as a guide for researchers. The goal is to demystify the process, to transform the daunting task of condensation into an exercise in precision and creativity. Through interactive exercises and discussions, we’ll explore how to distil the essence of complex creative research into a narrative that captivates and communicates effectively.

This endeavour is more than an academic exercise; it’s a journey into the heart of what makes creative practice research so vital and vibrant. It’s about finding the words to express the often ineffable impact of art and creativity on society, culture, and individuals.

As we look ahead to the workshop and beyond, the conversation around crafting REF contextual statements is just beginning. It’s a dialogue that invites creative practitioners to reflect deeply on their work, to engage with the broader academic community, and to articulate the profound connections between their creative endeavours and the world at large.

In sharing this research and engaging in these discussions, I hope to not only aid in the practical task of REF submission but to celebrate the rich, multifaceted narratives that underpin creative practice research. It’s a testament to the power of creativity to inspire, challenge, and transform—and the importance of conveying that power in every word we write.



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